


Through the use of self portraiture and a reimagination of African religious and ceremonial face painting, I strive to more firmly connect my Black spiritual concept of time. Connecting the past to the present and the present to the future. My work attempts to tie all the loose ends of Black ethos, Black influence, Black inspiration into one braid. It is at its core, an affirmation of life. My life, the life of my ancestors, and the life of my community. My work (and by extension my life) makes a production about the necessity and value of Black spiritual presence.

Featured Image: phlegm, ritual drama 090, 2020. Digital photograph. Courtesy of the artist.

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phlegm, ritual drama 094, 2020. Digital photograph. Courtesy of the artist.

phlegm, ritual drama 095, 2020. Digital photograph. Courtesy of the artist.

phlegm, ritual drama 084, 2020. Digital photograph. Courtesy of the artist.
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