Asa Jackson
Artist2Artist Fellowship
The foundation of my work is based in lived with and discarded items. Garments, bags,household fabrics, pillows, curtains, blankets, newspapers, hair ect become the material form.There’s a curiosity in the obscured stories these items hold and the places they’ve been; acollection of energy that’s living. A literal juxtaposition of culture forms the basis of the work. In a way, reusing these fabrics keeps these moments and memories alive, but puts them in different context and rhythm.The content of the work comes from another place. My inner world displayed outward, myfascination with the origin of things, man’s divinity and regality, time, and evolution. A physical representation of the layers and textures of life, or any given subject.
Featured Image: The Shaman's Dance, 2020. Mixed Media: Textiles, Yarn, Red Clay, 58 x 65." Courtesy of the artist.
