Kanako Wynkoop

Support for an experimental, multidisciplinary documentary focusing on tensions between people who are unhoused and the relatively privileged in Olympia.
My proposal is for an experimental documentary that will ultimately function as a community forum. I will focus on tensions between people who are unhoused and those in positions of relative privilege in downtown Olympia. Recently in Olympia, a small group of people attempted to open an emergency shelter. Many members of the community took every opportunity to block their efforts. I participated in many group forums where we discussed opposing sides of the issue. Through this process, I became aware of the many misconceptions there are toward the extremely poor. I work at a used clothing store that I own. Many days a week I help people out of their wet and soiled clothes or put shoes on their feet at no cost. I am in a unique position in that I personally know many folks that cannot access shelter due to what is currently available. Having cultivated personal trust with my neighbors, they are available to share their experiences and personal narratives.
Feature Image: Kanako Wynkoop, MOM, Courtesy of the artist.