Viva Ruiz

Artist2Artist Fellowship
I am a community/family/nightlife/sex work educated Ecuadorian American artist, at work and play in New York City. We are a storyteller in continuously emerging mediums, primarily in spaces and for people and in ways that are not valued by the institutions of art. Since 2015 we have been building power and birthing pro-abortion aesthetics with the #thankgodforabortion experiment. Intentional about time bending intentional about naming the white supremacist class war we are enduring intentional about ecstasy and rage intentionally calling more beautiful worlds into being with and in service to the spirits that walk with us.
Featured Image: Viva Ruiz, Thank God for Abortion, Vaticano 2019. Courtesy of the artist.

Viva Ruiz, MONOTONY, 2017. A telenovela.