Wit López

Artist2Artist Fellowship
As a multidisciplinary visual artist and performer, my recent art is a combination of absurdist performance/clowning, textile art, and photography. I began creating this work as a way to make art that would lift the spirits of my community during the difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic.
My current body of work brings together physical fiber art and what I call digital quilt portraits. I've always wanted to begin making actual physical quilts. A few years ago, I learned that textiles make up 7% of the world's landfills and it's made me reconsider the ways that I engage with fiber, whether it's natural or human-made fibers. In 2020, while I was sitting at home in lockdown, I began taking images of fabric I already owned and using the images to create the backgrounds of my digital quilt portraits. The digital quilt portraits give me the space to cobble together textiles of various patterns and colors as well as my love for portraiture and performance, without creating significant textile waste.
Featured Image: Wit López, Still Tryna Keep A Straight Face, 2022. Digital quilt portrait. Model: Wit López. Courtesy of the artist.